Flutter has a great way of dealing with colours built in which I won't cover here, but if you want to use a "custom" colour, what do you do? Well, it turns out that flutter natively wants to use hexadecimal integers (i.e. 0x...), as opposed to what I was most used to, i.e. just #FFF - I didn't like this!
I came across this article which inspired a very similar solution:


import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; Color hex(String color) { color = color.replaceAll("#", ""); switch (color.length) { case 3: color = "0xFF$color$color"; break; case 6: color = "0xFF$color"; break; case 8: color = "0x$color"; default: throw ArgumentError(); } return Color(int.parse(color)); }


import 'package:app/helpers/hex.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:test/test.dart'; void main() { group('hex()', () { test('converts a 3-digit hex string to a Color', () { expect(hex('#fff'), Color(0xFFFFFFFF)); }); test('converts a 6-digit hex string to a Color', () { expect(hex('#ffffff'), Color(0xFFFFFFFF)); }); test('converts an 8-digit hex string to a Color', () { expect(hex('#ffff0000'), Color(0xFFFF0000)); }); test('throws an error for an invalid hex string', () { expect(() => hex('#invalid'), throwsArgumentError); }); }); }
Usage would then look something like:


Text( label, maxLines: 1, overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis, style: TextStyle( fontSize: 12, color: hex('#111637'), ), )
I don't however know how performant this ends up being. Notice how TextStyle can no longer have const added before it!